Earth Week: Offbeat, Zany, Green Ideas

Carolyn’s Online Magazine



On April 22, 2015 Earth Day celebrates its 45th birthday.

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Following the first Earth Day celebration my husband Monte became a vegetarian, and when he did he claimed he never felt better.
Our family also became active in the Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, recycling center and a local food co-op.
I thought I would celebrate this birthday by sharing some offbeat, zany, quirky, and eccentric ways of reducing our “green” footprints. I discovered these ideas while surfing the Internet.

Have you ever heard of plastic paper?
The PrePeat Printer differs from conventional printers in that it uses reusable plastic sheets instead of paper and ink. Its thermal head prints on specially-made plastic sheets that are not merely water-proof, but can be easily erased when the sheets are re-fed through the printer at a different temperature—or it just writes over the original writing. The manufacturer claims one sheet can be used up to 1,000 times.

Are you prepared to carry your “live green” lifestyle beyond your death?
You can do this in at least three ways:
Green Funerals—there are green funeral services, green cremation, and green cemeteries. Perhaps you could purchase a sea grass casket?
Already planning on being cremated? Provide your family with an urn made from paper mache, natural wood products, and no metal hinges.
If you plan on being cremated, seek out specialized crematories that use the heat produced in the cremation process for heat energy. A crematory in Halmstead (Sweden) helps heat the town, and in Manchester, a similar practice is developing.

Do you attach a flag to your car, and watch it flap in the wind?
Apparently, a fluttering flag on a car reduces its fuel economy, draining the world’s remaining oil reserves and kicking us shrieking into the dark ages.

Do you use your everyday activities or your body building or health exercises to create electricity? Why not?

Some gyms, such as the Green Microgym in Portland, Oregon, are outfitted with Team Dynamo and Spin bikes set up to generate electricity, to help offset the gym’s carbon track print. cork.
In a similar vein, The Crown Plaza Hotel in Copenhagen, Denmark, offers a free meal to any guest who produces at least 10 watt hours of electricity by using an exercise bike attached to a generator. It takes guests roughly 15 minutes of cycling for someone of average fitness. (Source | Via)

Likewise, a system in Tokyo (and in Europe), transforms human steps, on the floor of a train station, into energy. This system is also used in Europe, inside dance clubs.

Does your diet contain a generous helping of insects?

If you are not eating insects you are missing a great and abundant source of protein. Start small with some chocolate covered grasshoppers, maybe a few ants here and there, then graduate to beetles and grubs. Disguise them in salads, stews and stir-fry. By replacing red meat with insect protein you will benefit by lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Lastly for today—Women, are you wearing a bra that uses your movements to create energy?

These bras—and underwear—are made from recycled cans. However, they are still in the working stage.

As you can see, there are many methods now available to help you reduce your carbon footprint. Have I missed any? Do you know of any unusual ways to maintain a green lifestyle?

If so, I invite you to list them in the comment box below.

About carolyncholland

In several if my nine lives I have been a medical lab technician and a human service worker specializing in child day care, adoptions and family abuse. Currently I am a photo/journalist/writer working on a novel and a short story. My general writings can be viewed at My novel site is
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